A couple of the best memories I have from when the kids were toddlers were when we went to the photographer to get real pictures, unfortunately we were a bit too lazy (plus the photographer we hired for the big kids moved so it was quite a long way to go) so there was no photo session with the youngest. The photography session is a memory in itself. The pictures are a different, more physical memory from that time in life.
I think it is something universal that we want to save pictures from when the children were small and that booking a photographer makes the pictures a little more solemn. Despite the fact that most people have pretty good cameras in their mobile phones, they want “real” images from formal occasions. Sometimes the reason is that you do not think you have the sense or the ability yourself. Taking pictures of yourself is not easy and should perhaps preferably be done by someone else – for example at weddings or other occasions when you are busy being in the present there and then.
I am a member of many groups on Facebook. I learn so much from others and if I contribute with something, it feels good. For the most part, I’m just quiet and reading. Sometimes there are questions about what to think about when signing an agreement with parents before photographing people who have not yet reached adulthood. Having worked a lot with young people in other contexts (not photography), I think it is important to involve the child / youth also in the agreement.
If it is an older youth approaching the age of 18, it may be a good idea to consider a separate agreement. As always when it comes to children and young people, it is important to involve them, provide information that is adapted to their age and accept if they do not want to participate. Even if you are a minor, you have, in Sweden, for example, a legal right to take care of your own finances from the age of 16 and from the age of 13, the parents cannot read the patient record and so on. One thus has the right to make certain decisions for oneself (whether it is to participate or abstain). If it is a model assignment where the young people can earn money from their participation, the money will go into their own account from the 16th anniversary.
I do not know how many people think of such things, but if one thinks that children are also individuals with their own free will, it becomes quite obvious. After all, a photo session is not comparable to a vital operation where the parents or ultimately healthcare staff must have the last word so that the child is not exposed to danger. In the end, I still think the important thing is how the image will be used. If it’s for the family album, it’s not a big deal, if the picture is meant to be published, it can be, depending on what kind of picture it is.
Kamratposten did a survey quite a few years ago at this point where they asked children what they thought about the parents posting pictures of them and they did not like it, it could be pictures that the parents thought were cute but that the children thought were embarrassing and which they did not want their friends to see.
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Internetstiftelsen: Tänk på det här innan du delar bilder på ditt barn. Hämtat 2021-07-09
Kamratposten: Bilder på nätet – Får de göra så här?Hämtat 2021-07-09
SVT: Föräldrar delar tusentals bilder på sina barn – nu kommer kritiken mot ”sharenting”. Hämtat 2021-07-09
Lawline: Får föräldrar lägga upp bilder på sina barn utan samtycke? Hämtat 2021-07-09