I've listened to this book as an audiobook. It's a book that suits me very well right now. It is about artists' fears, perhaps mainly the fear that one's work should not do in the eyes of others. What is the result of write cramps/write blocking on? Why is it so hard to get started when there are so much ydes? This discusses the authors of the book. It's about all sorts of art forms. I found it comforting to hear that everyone suffers from the same thing and that the important thing is not what others think but to start from what I myself want to say and express. It's something I really need to practice, to dare to stand for what I do, to pick out what I think is good and be proud of what I accomplish when it actually gets good (everything doesn't even get half good, but sometimes it shines to). Here's how the publisher writes about the book:
Author: David Bayles & Ted Orland ISBN: 9
780961454739 Language
: English Weight
: 181 grams Publi
shed: 2001-04-01 Publ
ishers: Image Continuum Press – Image Continuum Press Nu
mber of pages: 122