Fullspectrum converted Canon EOS 80D, IR 720 nm The may pole is dressed with leafy twigs, usually birch, and decorated with wild flowers. In many places people gather in the morning to dress the Maypole, then gather again in the afternoon to carry the pole to the place where it is to be erected. Those who owns a local traditional costume dress up for this special occation. The pole is long and heavy, it takes several people to carry it, often in procession with fiddlers playing folk music. The lifting itself is also a procedure and takes place with special tools. While waiting for theLäs mer ->

Fullspectrum converted Canon EOS 80D, IR 720 nm In Sweden, midsummer is one of the most important holidays, it is celebrated with maypole raising and parties. We always go to Dalarna and celebrate with friends and family. Most people celebrate Midsummer on Midsummer Eve, the small village where we celebrate does it on Midsummer Day. The special thing about Dalarna is that midsummer is celebrated on different days during the summer, so it is possible to celebrate several times for those who want. When the pole is raised, we dance around it and sing dance songs. Midsummer also includes a smorgasbord of good food andLäs mer ->

It’s winter at the campsite. There are some caravans inside the camping area but I don’t know if anyone is there or if they are just parked for winter storage. Out by the bathing area, the beach that is well visited during summer, it is empty and deserted except for some ducks that descided to not fly south in the autumn. They’re not in much of a hurry to save energy, they probably freeze those poor little souls too. I continue round the cape. Watching the view. Looking away towards the women’s prison and the destinies that hide there. I continue back to the car,Läs mer ->

För länge, länge sedan utbildade jag mig till telereparatör, ni vet sådana där som kopplade telefonledningar och kunde reparera lågspänningsapparater som telefoner, tv-apparater och sådant. Därför tycker jag det är spännande med gamla elektronikprylar. Någon som kommer ihåg när det inte fanns mobiltelefoner och vi antingen var tvungna att knacka på hos någon för att låna telefon eller hellre använda en telefonkiosk om det fanns till hands? Då hade man alltid ett mynt i fickan så att man skulle kunna ringa från telefonkiosken eller lämna som tack för lånet om man måste knacka på för att låna telefon. De kunde vara riktigt vackra att seLäs mer ->

Infrared 720 nm, shot with Canon EOS 80D fullspectrum converted. Flammable.Must not be deflated with oxygen.Transport equipment. An old wagon with a big, rusty tank that has seen its best days. I wish I had taken a photograph of the other side, somewhere it must say what was transported in the tank. Now I have to content myself with thinking that the tank is empty. #railroad #railway #railroadphotography #railroads_of_our_world #railroadstation #visitvadstena #visitostergotland #railwaystation #railways_of_our_world #railways_of_europe #railway_station #railwaysofinstagram #freighttrain #infrared_world #infrared_photography #freightcar #train_nerds #trainphotography #trainart #trainsofinstagram #lustforrust #rustinpeace #rsa_preciousjunkLäs mer ->

Once a year, on the second Sunday of August, the blacksmith opens the door to the forge and lets us view the handiwork. Heats and shapes, heats and shapes until the nail, hinge or whatever it may be he is shaping is ready. Because the sun always shine on this special day, the weather has got its own name: Dammtôrpavä’r (Dammtorp’s weather after the place where this all happens). #infrared_photography #summer #retrospective #smithing #blacksmith #historic_crafting #ironwork #visittiveden #tivedsdagen #dammtorpadagen #creativeinfrared_world #visitlaxa #old_forge #historical_forge #forgeLäs mer ->

Canon EOS 80D, fullspectrum converted, 720 nm IR-pass filter Vattentornet tornar upp sig som ett ufo över orten. Vakar över oss, förser oss med vatten. Friskt vatten tänkte jag skriva men även om det inte gör dig sjuk så är det preparerat med kemikalier så att du inte ska bli sjuk när du dricker. Vattentornet i Laxå har en större kusin i Örebro, den kallas för svampen för att den ser ut som en svamp. Svampen i Örebro har en ännu större kusin i Saudiarabien. #watertower #watertowerphotography #watertowers_of_our_world #visitlaxa #laxa #visitnarke #infocuswomen #fotogaris #500px #appicoftheweek #watertowers_of_europe #watertowersofinstagram #infrared_world #infrared_photography #creativeinfrared_world #watertowerpics #watertowerartLäs mer ->

Old freight cars have such a beautiful patina. The wind-ravaged wood, the rusted metal. The remains of what was once shipped are mixed with the plant power in the shipping space. It is so exciting what power there is in life, what will to get ahead and survive even for the smallest blade of grass. #railroad #railway #railroadphotography #railroads_of_our_world #railroadstation #visitvadstena #visitostergotland #infocuswomen #fotogaris #railwaystation #railways_of_our_world #railways_of_europe #railway_station #railwaysofinstagram #freightcart #infrared_world #infrared_photography #train_nerds #trainphotography #trainart #trainsofinstagramLäs mer ->

Fullspectrum converted Canon EOS 80D, IR 720 nm The old road runs parallel to the new one. It is a little more crooked and a little narrower. I take my walks along that road because it’s quieter to go that way, avoid the village and avoid the traffic. The roads have been straightened as the traffic got faster, the first time they were straightened for the milk truck to arrive. It was both wider and faster than the horse and cart that went around the countryside and picked up milk barrels with fresh milk for transport to the dairy. #infocuswomen #fotogaris #500px #appicoftheweek #infrared_world #infrared_photographyLäs mer ->

All aboard! Where has this cart been? Who has gone with it? Maybe I have done it at some point? I’ve traveled quite a lot by train in my days. As a time optimist, I seldom look forward to the train journey the last moment before I board the train. There are so many times that I have jumped on the train at the very last second. The fact that you can now buy a ticket via an app on the platform before you jump on the train increases the excitement a notch. #railroad #railway #railroadphotography #railroads_of_our_world #railroadstation #visitvadstena #visitostergotland #infocuswomen #fotogaris #railwaystation #railways_of_our_world #railways_of_europeLäs mer ->