Keywords : magical, fabulous, mysterious, different, nature, forest, city, experimental, exploratory
Who am I?
I’m a hobby photographer who enjoys exploring the world in different ways. I am married and have three grown children. I am a midwife by profession, but I also have a university degree in railway signal technology. I like to photograph nature, but I also love to bring my camera into town for a photo walk.
Who are the pictures aimed at?
I hope the pictures appeal to anyone who sees them. They are different and attract the eye.
Who my role models?
I’m inspired by people who dare to try new things in their photography and who like to experiment. When it comes to infrared photography, it was my husband who sent a link to cool pictures that one can do with a Raspberry Pi and a Noir camera, I do not remember which webpage it was, but my first tentative attempts are documented here >>> link >>> and all pages about it are here >>> link >>>
Sometimes it feels like it’s a male-dominated world, but there are several exciting women to be inspired by, some of them I write about in my blog:
Jeanette Klute
Elsa Dorfman
Anna Atkins
I follow som interesting photographers on Instagram:
My personal website: